Frequently Asked Questions

Taking the first step to financial advice can be daunting. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions we receive.

Financial advice helps you put a system in place to manage, grow and protect your money so you can live the lifestyle you want now and in the future.

Super, tax, and social security regulations are always changing, which makes money complex. Qualified financial advice will help you avoid making money mistakes that could have unforeseen consequences over the long term.

The best time to seek financial advice is now. Financial advice can help you navigate various life events. See some examples below:
  1. Your job and career changes
  2. Buying your first home
  3. Moving in together
  4. Having a baby
  5. Educating your children
  6. Establishing a business
  7. Getting a divorce
  8. Building a share portfolio
  9. Dealing with a redundancy
  10. Buying or selling a business
  11. Planning for retirement
  12. Managing your estate

There is no minimum amount of money required to get financial advice. Financial advice helps you make the most of what you’ve got and is not based on how wealthy you are.

The cost of our advice and coaching is broken up into two parts. An initial advice cost for the project work to setup strategies and tactics and an ongoing coaching package for regular check-ins and to keep you accountable and on track. 

Much like we don’t get abs and a 6 pack by going to see a personal trainer once we believe the secret to long-term wealth and education is regular coaching and accountability.  We will discuss our costs and coaching packages in more detail in our first complimentary meeting before you commit to anything.

After our initial strategy call, we will send you an email with everything you need to bring to the first meeting.